Teresa Keil

For the right topic at the right place. I create innovative events that bring together stakeholders from the education sector to inspire change.

As a project manager at Wider Sense TraFo, Teresa Keil is responsible for three projects in the education sector: the National Education Forum, the National Forum for Early Education and and the initiative BildungsgeRECHTigkeit (educational justice). The main focus of her work is the organization of events with the aim of bringing together stakeholders from politics, practice, science and civil society. She can draw on several years of experience in political communication and project management.

In recent years, Teresa Keil has worked as a project manager at the Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk e.V. (German Children’s Fund), promoting children’s rights, equal opportunities and the rights of refugees. At Wider Sense TraFo, she aims to use her expert knowledge of the education system and participation rights, as well as her experience in working with various stakeholders, to enable good educational opportunities for all children and bring together the right stakeholders.

As part of her studies in political science (B.A.) and peace and conflict studies (M.A.) at Philipps-Universität Marburg and De Haagse Hogeschool in the Netherlands, Teresa Keil focused in particular on international migration policy and European border policy. She also completed further training in agile management.

Why did you choose working for Wider Sense?

Wider Sense TraFo combines great visions with strong implementation skills. It's a place where I can work on topics that are important to me and help to shape debates.

What is a random fact about you?

Outside of the office, I seek my balance in craft activities: I build furniture, sew or paint. The only thing I'm still missing is my own garden.