
We want to ensure that our clients make informed decisions about how to maximise the impact of their corporate citizenship, philanthropic, and social investing activities. With this in mind we use cross-sectoral research and our analytical competences to provide in-depth analyses of markets, topics, trends, benchmarks and more.

Examples of our work

  • Research and analysis of niches and opportunities for STEM education funding in European countries most relevant for the client
  • Identifying innovative financing mechanism to support the fight against energy poverty in Europe
  • Research, preparation and moderation of international case studies for symposium series on demographic change
  • Expanding a corporate fund’s activities to Eastern Europe and beyond
  • Supporting a foundation’s research on how to teach values
  • Comprehensive research and analysis assignment, mapping innovative financing solutions to address energy poverty in Europe
  • Positioning of a family foundation in a field of international collaboration; joint advocacy work on “plastic waste & environment”, strategic focus for further foundation engagement

For more comprehensive examples of our work, please contact us.