Wider Sense TraFo gGmbH is a strategic partner of Wider Sense, established in 2019.
TraFo – that stands for transformation, for societal change and development. Just like Wider Sense GmbH, Wider Sense TraFo gGmbH strives to accompany and support its partners – foundations, companies and the public sector – in generating social impact. To achieve this, Wider Sense TraFo gGmbH brings together the right players and triggers social change. One example is giving-circle.de.
TraFo – that also stands for transfer organisation. Wider Sense TraFo gGmbH sees its task not only in developing and implementing projects together with its partners. Rather, it also promotes the dissemination, anchoring and perpetuation of successfully tested approaches and activities in the educational system with them and on their behalf.
TraFo – that stands for TransferForum. A forum for the transfer of innovations. Often, careful stakeholder management is needed to effectively implement proven ideas or new approaches in the field and to anchor them in the long term. In the TransferForum, they come together and are moderated and focused. One example is #TrustCreatesImpact.